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Teaming up for faith-filled marriage


Community, family and support for couples are some of the reasons Jacci and Lloyd Templeton have treasured their involvement with the Teams Movement over the past 25 years.

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The couple, who are members of the Aberfoyle Park parish and parents to three adult children, said being part of the movement had been beneficial for their marriage and faith.

“Some of the key words that spring to mind when we talk about Teams are community and family, but ultimately it is the support of us as a couple and the great reminder it provides to make sure we take time for ‘us’,” Lloyd told The Southern Cross.

“This was particularly true in the years when we had young children, when finding a few minutes for ourselves was difficult.”

“The ‘sit down’ and ‘sharing’ are also key aspects that are important to us,” added Jacci.

“Before each meeting we are encouraged as a couple to sit down and look back over the month. This is a great opportunity to review the month and to stop, reflect and share with each other our highs and lows and any challenges that may be ahead.

“As a busy couple, without this discipline, we may not always have made time for this type of reflection. Revealing the highlights of this discussion with our team also makes us realise that our experiences are often shared by others.”

The Teams Movement has been open to couples worldwide since 1939. It assists married couples – as well as those who may be by themselves due to separation or the death of a partner – to grow in their relationship, deepen their faith and forge deep friendships.

In Adelaide, there are currently 100 people in 12 teams, with seven Spiritual Companions – four priests and three Religious. In addition, there are two teams comprising 16 people with two priest Companions in Port Lincoln and two teams with seven couples in Darwin. The members usually meet in each other’s homes each month for a meal, liturgy and discussion on anything from relationships, to Church and world issues.

Jacci said the Teams Movement had played a big part in her Catholic faith as her parents were involved in the early movement in South Australia.

She and Lloyd joined in 1998 and after an “evolving journey” found their current group – Team 52.

“Team 52 has been together around 15 years and comprises four couples, one single person and a Religious Sister, who is not just a spiritual advisor but an active and contributing part of our Team family,” Lloyd said. “Our team is a blend of different religious and cultural backgrounds, but predominantly Catholic.”

For Jacci and Lloyd, their involvement in the movement has increased this year, taking over as the Sector Couple for the southern area.

In this role they are responsible for planning and coordinating events for the eight southern sector teams, assisting with sector events such as the annual gathering day, being the point of contact for Teams members and attending sector and regional meetings.

Next month local members of Teams will join together in the Salisbury parish for the annual Gathering Day.

The June 18 event will be facilitated by Rachele Tullio who will outline the history of the Salisbury parish, the struggles of parishioners to build a church, how Catholic pioneers helped create the parish community, and the renewal of the Church. Ms Tullio will also explore the development of the Teams Movement and how it is supported by different people who are inspired by the Holy Spirit.

For more information about Teams contact Jo and Chris Adey, Regional Couple for SA/NT/WA at



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