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Celebrations in the Archdiocese

A wedding and an important work anniversary were a couple of the celebrations in the Archdiocese in recent months.

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Bernadette Stilec and Henry Spurling were married in Sacred Heart College Memorial Chapel by Father Michael Musyoka Kyumu on Saturday December 21 2019. Their parents are Susan Woodward of Novar Gardens and Tom and Bregitta Spurling of Hove. Picture: Belinda Monck


Prison chaplain Mel Monfries (centre) recently celebrated 15 years of service in prison ministry. Her dedicated and energetic approach to chaplaincy was recognised at a morning tea organised by the Department of Corrections. Other chaplains, prison guards and staff spoke about Mel’s positive impact in her interaction with prisoners. Sarah Moffatt thanked Mel for her contribution to the life and mission of the Church, especially those who are most vulnerable. She was presented with a glass plaque made by prisoners by Stephanie Flint, assistant general manager of the Department.